Just some minor updates. Good news is that the kits production is completed, so we'd doing some cleaning on the kits. Bad news is that the molds have been used to the limit, and so its like 110-112 kits (some of which will not pass our quality test) to be part of the 100 kits. We do have the prototype parts, but we have decided to keep it at 100 sets for WJ Upgrade kit.
So that is the bad news.
Some good news. We'd be giving away THREE sets of kits to the FIRST THREE websites (Toy or Transformers related) that sends to us the request for a review KIT. So just some nitty gritty details. Submission must be from a legit website domain name - gmail, yahoo, hotmail, private mail does not count. So it must be say adminstrator from TFW2005.com or name@IDW.com or name@radicons.com
What we just require for the site is a frank review of the WJ Upgrade Kit on their website, painted, fixed up with whichever variant for the base - Henkei Redalert, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker etc. We think importantly, the review should contain information on how the custom was done so as to help other customizers etc and lots of nice high resolution pictures. It will also help us improve on our future products
We'd cover the cost of shipping of the item airmail registered. So it's first come first serve :P
EMAIL US to administrator at mastercollectables.com. First 3 requests from LEGIT sites gets 1 kit each when they're ready.
Thank again for all the fellow customizers and their support.
Mastercollectables alchemist bloke - J.C
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